Title: Life After Death
Size: 9x12" (Unframed) on Canvas Paper
Medium: Mixed, Watercolors, Tempera & Oil Paints were used.
This was inspired on a very emotional day I was experiencing and I just couldn't tell what was the purpose of my spirit feeling so grieved. A day after this art was produced I was informed about a death within my family. Although the news was meloncholic God reminded me about His promises regarding eternal life after this temporal life on this earth and in order to obtain such we must live for Him. God bless!
Price: $300.00 TTD
Title : Youthful Joy
Size: 9x12" (Unframed) Canvas Paper
Medium: Mixed, Watercolors, Glitters
Description: This fun-tastic piece was inspired by youths having a good time in a respected enviroment. Just simply enjoying the fullness of their youthfulness and the colours I was led to use in their entirety justifies this! God bless!
Price: $300.00 TTD
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